

Hey all, Well i first wanted to say very nice sight love the topics here and people seem pretty cool... as an old timer like me hard to find good forums that make any sence or have any meaning.

Secondly as you can see by my photo uploads im a musician My band
(Great Train express ) has been togeather now goin on 23 years.
I was wondering if there was any feloow or miss fellow garageBand users out here. If so give me a shout. Love to get some new views and give some also.
And to the Admin if there are any GB users out there maby u might want to think on putting garageBand as one of ur Forum topics... Just a suggestion.

Have fun and God Bless

I am loving GarageBand! What do you use to interface with it? I have an iMic that is just not cutting it… :)

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of knowledgeable people here.

By the way, I am a bass player who lived in Scottsdale for 8 years before moving out here to San Diego. I used to play with Carvin Jones, Chuck Hall, Freddie Duran Plan, LMNOP, and others on bass. Maybe you have heard of some of these bands? I was also in a band called Otis Campbell, and our old guitar player has played with Cold Shot and the Hurricane Horns for about 6 years now. I heard Ted, the bass player, was killed. He was a sort of mentor for me and I bought my eden rig (head and 4x10 cab) from him. RIP.

Send a shout here or to my email address. You can post GarageBand posts and maybe the powers that be here will see it happenign enough that it will warrant its own heading! ;)