It turns out Luddites don't know how to use software properly ...
So where does this common feeling of frustration come from that unites all the PC users? Everybody experiences it every day that these things simply don't work like they should.
Because it's cool. It's like, "Yeah, been there done that - oh, yeah, I know that bug." - I can understand that phenomenon sociologically, not technically.
Good point! Worse still, when someone like my mother encounters a bug, error or crash she immediately thinks "Oh my! What have I done wrong now?" And that's bad... buggy software let's people feel incompetent, they try to read incomprehensible error messgages and feel afraid of having screwed up the computer: I frequently encounter this type of behaviour with 40+ people.Perhaps Bill Gates should take a look at "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" for a deeper understanding of why people resent computers and software that don't work the way they should.
Originally posted by Cat
Good point! Worse still, when someone like my mother encounters a bug, error or crash she immediately thinks "Oh my! What have I done wrong now?" And that's bad... buggy software let's people feel incompetent, they try to read incomprehensible error messgages and feel afraid of having screwed up the computer: I frequently encounter this type of behaviour with 40+ people.