Gates says MS has no bugs!

Is that a real or a fake interview. Reading it like that makes Bill Gates sound stupid, what he for sure is not.
I don't know if it's real... I thought it was fake too... but I think it was posted on Slash Dot as well.
"In an interview for German weekly magazine FOCUS (nr.43, October 23,1995, pages 206-212) ..." << Fryke (or someone else), can you find that? :) mmmh ...
It was posted on Slashdot.. now? Something that he was supposed to have said in 1995?
I doubt it is real, it sounds like a person interviewing a little kid. But who knows, Bill Gates does seem to me to be pretty stupid.
There's a notation at the top which reads "Slashdotters: yes, it's real." which led me to think it was on slashdot also... real or not, it's entertaining.
lol.... i suddenly don't like bill gates as much as i used to. He used to be ok, supplying us mac peoples with software... software that often screws up.... but that's life. That's mLife (sry, i HAD to say that). But now it is spoken. He is a liar. The biggest liar in the world. What current application doesn't have a bug? hell, even the finder has bugs, and the finder type thingy in windows has many, since it's practically internet explorer.
It turns out Luddites don't know how to use software properly ...

:D Err, yeah. That's why they're 'Luddites' I guess. Resistance to technology doesn't make you an idiot, in spite of what Bill Gates might imply. The technology really should be there to serve the user, not the other way around. Many people feel alienated by technology; they don't understand it, they can't control it, and they can see its impact on their community.

So where does this common feeling of frustration come from that unites all the PC users? Everybody experiences it every day that these things simply don't work like they should.

Because it's cool. It's like, "Yeah, been there done that - oh, yeah, I know that bug." - I can understand that phenomenon sociologically, not technically.


Perhaps Bill Gates should take a look at "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" for a deeper understanding of why people resent computers and software that don't work the way they should. The "Luddites" have a distaste for technology, but they don't brag about it or think it's cool ... they actively ignore it, reboot the computer, pretend the problem isn't there. They don't call Microsoft, they don't ask for help. They just resent the whole "system".
That's why I readily believe Bill's statement that only 1% of calls are to report a bug. Most people are very reluctant to call.
Very true... to be fair about it... I don't call Apple when I encounter a bug. I just try to fix it myself. Of course I can't believe he would take such an actively stupid position on bugs in software. All software will have bugs.

Another thing to consider here is that this is during the Windows 95 days, and Win 95 was very very buggy. I'm sure Gates was under attack that year, which would account for his apparent defensive stance on the issue.
Perhaps Bill Gates should take a look at "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" for a deeper understanding of why people resent computers and software that don't work the way they should.
Good point! Worse still, when someone like my mother encounters a bug, error or crash she immediately thinks "Oh my! What have I done wrong now?" And that's bad... buggy software let's people feel incompetent, they try to read incomprehensible error messgages and feel afraid of having screwed up the computer: I frequently encounter this type of behaviour with 40+ people.
One reason I like Macs is that their philosophy is explicitly: you only can use what you can understand! Mac OS X especially is very intuitive on first sight, but if you want you can go really deep down into the system and mess with a lot of things: but you don't need to if you really only want to use the machine!
Originally posted by Cat
Good point! Worse still, when someone like my mother encounters a bug, error or crash she immediately thinks "Oh my! What have I done wrong now?" And that's bad... buggy software let's people feel incompetent, they try to read incomprehensible error messgages and feel afraid of having screwed up the computer: I frequently encounter this type of behaviour with 40+ people.

IT people are the first responsible of this situation. How many times I have seen IT support persons speak to non technical people starting with "What did you you ?", or "How did you manage to screw it again ?".