GEEK Romance anyone?


During seminar today another grad student was paging through the back of this science magazine called "The Scientist" ( and started laughing. He showed my this advertisement. Can you believe it? GEEK ROMANCE!!!


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oh yeah, the next time I meet a girl in the gothic club I will ask here if she feels like a unpaired electron...:D
nah, I only date electrons, quarks are so small and have these crazy spins...up and down spin is enough for me
If you bang her with energy of the right frequency, she may have a long-lived excited state spin-allowed transition (as opposed to a spin-forbidden transition).
you guys talk like this and you don't think a site like this makes sense? hmm, fish don't know they are in water either:D

the thing that puzzles me is that the scientist used to be thought of pretty highly as a general scientific journal. this ad just seems a bit out of place in a professional journal.

I remember several years ago while i was an undergrad, one of my psych profs. giving me a copy of an article from the scientist that helped support some of my theories. Then he explained to me that the author had admitted later that the whole article was BS. He had made it all up on purpose to see if it would be accepted for publication. No one had caught it. perhaps things haven't been so prosperous since then.:p
For anyone who has access and is interested "The Scientist", this add is on page 57 in the February 18, 2002 issue, Volume 16, Number 4. The front of the periodical has the title "What is Race?" as the cover story.