GeForce4 ???



I installed on the second hard disk of my Apple PowerMacintosh G4 (QuickSilver 933) a Linux operating system. It's the last kernel, XFree is up to date, everything seems to work fine except (why is there always a "but" ??) XFree :(

When I launch it, colors are not adequate, 8 bits, and that's for only one reason : I don't find the GeForce4 drivers ... :(
I tried to put the ones of GeForce2, I recompiled the kernel with differents options, I reconfigured many times XFree , but there's nothing to do, it doesn't work.

So , disappointed I tried to install XFree (XDarwin) on my first HS Mac OS X.2.1
It's works very well (slow when executed from the Finder, faster when launched after loging as ">console"). So I conclude it knows my video card - NVIDIA GeForce4 MX - and I tried to find, at least, it's config file ... impossible to find it. But well, that's was just to check its contents.

So as you probably expect it, my question is : do you know a way to get my Linux to run properly XFree ?

Thank you very much,
all i can say is that geforce4 drivers for any non major distros of linux are always flaky. I've seen the latest versions of redhat and suse work fine, but otherwise i'm not sure where to get drivers except nvidia and i'm pretty sure you're going to have to compile them yourself and it's a hardcore install =/
Thanks for the reply ;)

In fact if I found no driver for GeForce4 it's because of my search filter on Google : it included "PPC" ... :S

But reading more and more I finally understood what's going wrong there : the driver (there's one bundled with YellowDog Linux) supports GeForce4 but not ADC (the Apple flat Display Connector) of it. So I have to try it with a VGA screen (there're two outputs). I was waiting for this test results to post a reply. I will tell you if it works ;)

thank you,