general premission on file creation


Hi there,

Just writing here to see if anyone has a suggestion here to improve my OSX usage.

I had 2 accounts in my computer, work and home. Obviously, i login to work at office and more obviously i login as home when using the computer at home. This is just to make things separate and tidy, purely a user and usage perferences.

The problem i had is file premissions. Say if I create a file at home, or copy or downloaded some files, mp3s at home, the presmission will always be set to "owner" as home account, group is admin and others have read only.

If I want to access these files i created or copied at work (login under work account), i will not have premissions to access them. I will have to either change the file premissions everytime I have this situation or chmod -fR 777 the whole folder. It is getting annoying now, everything i have to do this when i need to access files created across accounts.

Is there a way to modify the default shell or umask on both accouts, so that any new file created will have "owner" stays the same, but groups as "staff" with read and write access and others also have "read and write" access as well.. (i am the only user of my computer, so it doesn't matter others set to "read and write" as well..

I know this can probably be done, by modifying some shells and commands.. But i am not sure where and how..

ANy help appreciated!!!!!!

Thanks heaps!!
