Get info bogs down finder...


New to OS X and finding this quite irritating. I'm sure it's something simple but it's driving me nuts. I do a Get Info on even an empty folder and I get the beachball for minutes at a time. What's up with that? And how do I fix it?

Sorry if this is a newb question but nothing in the FAQs seemed to fit.
Welcome to the forum and you are welcome to ask any kind of newbie question.

First: how much memory do you have installed?
Second: what do you have running when you go to get info? Why are you doing a get info on an empty folder (to test?)?

Third: Have you done a repair permissions? Utility folder>Disk Utility. Click on your hard drive - usually the second icon in the side bar at the left, then click on repair permissions.
Thanks. I've got a dual 1.8 GHz G5 with 1.25 GB of RAM. Repair permissions done. Nothing running in background. Get Info should be almost instant. And yes, the empty folder was a test. Any more ideas or suggestions would be more than welcome.
How about trashing the in the home/Library/Preferences folder? It would be better to just move that file into another directory and see how your finder likes this. Make sure to log out/in or restart.