get rid of mouse accl ?


I want to get rid of the mouse acceleration !!
I'm not interested in lowering my mouse sensitivity to a minimum or something, just to get rid of the mouse acceleration. I want the mouse to move execatly as I move it...
I've searched without any results :(

Please, redirect me to a haxie that fixes this or tell me which file(s) to edit to fix this..

Hope anyone knows

thanks in beforehand
I have been wanting to get rid of this pesky acceleration thingy for the longest time, and finally I did when I bought a Logitech Mouse and used their latest drivers... and the new movement is sweet.

BUT LOGITECH SCREWED UP AGAIN! It conflicted with Bluetooth preference.

Back to square one. Posted this to let the other users be aware of this problem that I am facing.
Logitech's software has sucked big time for as long as I've been using it, which is now I guess about 6 years. OTOH, Kensington is awesome. Hardware AND software. Logitech as a company also sucks. I don't think I could have any less respect for them. And Kensington is a model company IMO.
I totally agree... never had a problem with my Turbo Mouse Pro. Nicest and most reliable trackball I have ever used. LOL.