Get Started Banner



"You found it." Indeed, and it was pretty damn hard to do that!

I am a user since August 2001, that's a quite long time. I don't know how long this banner is online, but I haven't noticed it before until today. Today is my first time that I clicked on it, and I must say: It's magnificent!!! Really, it is very handy, especially for new Mac users!

The but-side (hehe) of the story: Is it really supposed to be camouflaged like that? First of all it looks like an ad-banner, no one wants to click on it. And its style is so integrated into the website you can hardly see it!

That's very sad. it is a very good feature of this website and I think it has to get more attention. It really needs a more "noticeable" style.
Senne does have a point about the banner. Maybe changing it to

Welcome! You've Found It. Fast Free Tech Support. Click Here.

That way people would know it's this site providing the service, and not a click through.
I doesn't even look like a banner (no border) neither does it look like a link.

Shouldn't we add "Free tech support" in the menu ?

