Getting iPhoto 6; Software Update


Software Update continually finds an iPod updater. Since I don't have an iPod and don't intend to get one, I ignored this update (using delete). I get a confirmation that it's ignored, then -- the next scan shows it again! This doesn't happen with any other updates I ignore. Does anyone know why this is?

Also -- I'm sure this is a really stupid question, but, I notice that, while iPhoto is now available at version 6, and I am running version 5, Software Update doesn't find any updates, and iPhoto reports that version 5 is the latest version. Is this Apple's way of telling me I have to pay to get the latest version, or has something messed up?
This is more of a theory, but every new iPod Updater is treated as a new Application. When you ignore something in the Software update, it applies it to all updates for THAT application. This seems like a sort of design flaw.

As for iPhoto, yes. Now that 6 is out, you won't find any more updates for 5. 6 is supposed to be the "ultimate update" for 5, and yes you have to pay, sadly.
I thought I'd have to pay -- as much as I am a fan of Apple, they don't seem to have a very good record in terms of providing updates. (Poor folks who bought Quicktime Pro prior to the current version.) It's a shame, too, because the copying-photos-to-iPhoto-directory automatic behaviour is one of my biggest gripes.

Anyway, what seems strange to me is that it's the [em]same[/em] iPod updater appearing over and over, not a new one. I have successfully ignored several previous updaters.