Getting iPod on another disk format?/ MS Win with HFS+?


Alright, I wanted to use my iPod as an external hard disk on a pc with firewire... when I plugged it in, I got a new icon in My Comptuer named "Unnamed Drive" or something like that... and I realized... Windows can't read the iPod's format of HFS+! So my question is this.... if I reformatted my iPod in whatever the standard Windows format is, would it be readable on my Mac, and would I still be able to play MP3s? If not, is there a quick and dirty way to get Windows to read HFS volumes?
There are some commercial apps like Mac Drive (?) that you can install on Windows to make the drive readable. I've never tried it so I don't know how well it works. I'd search CNet or VersionTracker and see what you can come up with.
You DO NOT want to reformat your iPod in another format. You do not even want to partition your iPod hard drive. Both can render the iPod unusable, and you may even have to take it back in for repair.
Thanks for the warning, SimX, I was just about to inquire about partitioning.

MacDrive looks like a nice solution, I'll look into it, but I was hoping for somethig a little more temporary... I don't want to have to install some application everytime I go to a PC, temporarily. That's why I was hoping there was some small driver you could just download... oh well.