Getting my hands on an Xserve!


Someone pinch me! I have to be dreaming! :)

My boss had me look into servers that he wanted to last for a good while and not be obsolete in a few months... putting aside that that was a loaded request in the first place - that pretty much mean to me at least something with DDR and his main request was "2 Processors and a LOT of hard drive space"...

So I start doing my research on PC Servers and I'm just not comfortable with any of them for what we need and what he wants.

Since these are PC people I thought Mac was out of the question so I jokingly said "I'm just kidding - but what about the Xserve?" they ask what it is, so I basically describe it as a UNIX based server that works with Windows (retaining the fact that it was a Mac)...

After describing it, hardware specs, pricing, and what not - they're sold and boss said "order it", I look at my coworker and back to him and I say "You do know that's a Mac - right?" and their faces turn yellow in shock...

I explain it a little more...
And the fact that it's DDR, Dual Processors, 4 Hard Drive Bays in a 1U configuration (getting 120GBs x3),
and there is no PC Server that does the same for nearly the same amount of money...

After a few minutes they regain their composure, and my boss says "do it! Make it happen!"

So sometime next week I should be posting pictures of a Dual 1Ghz Apple Xserve!!! :D

I love my new job! :)
Originally posted by ksv

I love my school! 386's and windows servers all the way! :rolleyes: :p

Hey the Programer said he had servers (before I started looking for Servers), and the way he mentioned it I cringed... "5 year old, HP". *shudder*

He brought it over AFTER I had placed our order for the Xserve...

Now I got this monster sitting on my tech bench that seems to be 2 feet high, 2 feet deep and 1-1/2 feet wide, Pentium Pro, 2x 4 GB SCSI RAID... I nearly busted out laughing when I saw it! heh :p
Nice execution! Make us proud. Show them that XServe is the real deal. Man, I wish I knew how to configure servers. I'm so sick of listening to my PC web programmer talk his lingo, knowing that a Mac product would do the job, but I have no way to prove it since I don't know what I'm talking about.
Originally posted by Tormente

Now I got this monster sitting on my tech bench that seems to be 2 feet high, 2 feet deep and 1-1/2 feet wide, Pentium Pro, 2x 4 GB SCSI RAID... I nearly busted out laughing when I saw it! heh :p

I have similar shaped machines sitting next some of my desks, but I guess they won't make you laugh ;)

*hugs his onyx2

Congrats to that xServe! I friend of mine who deals with Apple hardware will soon sell his first xServer and I can't wait to see that thing. I am currently working on SGI machines, and they are very nice, but the xServe, allthough much slower, is just a great entry level server, both when it comes to speed and cost. I would go so far to say that in this price/performance segment, it is the best server currently available. The only bad thing is that the fibrechannel array is not yet available.

HP and Dell are soon releasing updated servers to battle the xServe (or at least to preserve their positions since the xServer hasn't sold that much till now). Once the Fibrechannelarray (xStorage or however it is called) is released, the xServer will be much more interesting since then you can finally use it as a larger file server, and I am very interested in the benchmarks about the storagearray, since normaly I would NEVER put IDE drives into a server only to keep the price down (IDE RAID technology - even with high tech controllers - till now just doesn't reach the thruput of a SCSI system), but I am willing to correct my opinion on this topic once I see benchmarks.

Also, everywhere I read that it is really easy to administrate when you stick to what Apple offers in OS X Server (not installing third party stuff). A great thing for machines like this which are likely to run in a cluster.