Getting New iMac!


Yeah, Androo.
yay! i'm going down to the mac store next month or the month after and getting that new iMac! maybe i'll get it in june so i can get panther 10.3 for free (plus s and h). Think it's a good idea?
Does the new imac come with iLife? If so i shall be extremely happy.
I am using the old Blue Dalmation iMac now. I can tell it's getting old. i must buy a new one, or just upgrade.
Well, since none of my friends have got macs, i didn't know who to tell. so then why not post it on my favourite MAC forum!?
I, for one, am very excited and envious for you. 1,2,3 ... Wheee!

Do you really think you can wait 'til June on the promise of an upgrade that hasn't been officially announced yet? Who knows, maybe Apple will make the next one another $20 update, as they did with 10.1, which might happen if they decide the market isn't ready for a full-priced update so soon after the release of Jaguar. While there's always, ALWAYS something better just around the corner, there has to be a point at which you say: 'thats the computer I need at the price I'm happy to pay. I'll just go for it.'
Apple will have better machines released over the next year. It's what they do. If the iMac is what you want, why should you worry about it?

The iMac should come with the iApps products in their native form: iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD. But they won't be as integrated as in the iLife suite. Basically, they will be the versions that are included with Jaguar 10.2.
Uh, I'm afraid both of you are wrong.
To quote the Apple site, it says "Bundled iLife Applications". Right there on the home page.
lol i got 10.1 for free... they had millions of them at my local store (which is downtown) and didn't know what to do with them, so they gave me one and offered me more. They said take as much as you like. But why would i need another in I had the upgrade cd?
10.3 better be a free or nearly free upgrade, jaguar is like a new os, but i don't think it will update that more. I think that it'll be like 10.1. I can't afford to pay again for an operating system that i basically have.
I'll just make do with my amazing iMac with 10.2 and GeForce 4 and G4 1 ghz.