Getting rid of Nuance e-mail ads

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I Apple Mail. I have put their e-mail into my junk files and wrote a rule to trash it. They keep on coming.
I sent an e-mail directly to the company. No response. Anyone know how to prevent these e-mails from showing up my inbox?
Rather than use rules, just tell Mail it is Junk. The next time it comes through Mail will put it in the Junk folder. All you have to do is check the Junk folder to make sure nothing legit is in there before emptying the Junk folder. You can enable it from Mail>Preferences>Junk Mail.
Before Mail decides it is junk it looks at the sender and the sender IP along with various other items found in the headers. Spammers try to twist the rules that all junk filters use and they send using a different IP but the subject and sender appears to be the same.

You have to keep on telling Mail it is junk. Eventually, Mail gets the idea.
I took a careful look thru "All Headers" and found the correct address for them: Bluehornet Support <>. I was able to e-mail them and they kindly agreed to remove me from their address list.
You were lucky. Some places don't even acknowledge you. Now remember it may take a couple of days before you see the end to it.
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