ggpjlprint print problem with Konica-Minolta


The only mention of ggpjlprint I found on the web is at an old item:

It doesn't look like there was ever some successful follow-up to that, so I wonder if the original poster just abandoned their Konica-Minolta printer due to the problem. The reason I mention it is because we are having the same problem, but it does not appear to have anything to do with Tiger.

We have an office with 6 Macs, all of them on Tiger. 3 of them print to the Konica-Minolta fine, but the other 3 have the ggpjlprint problem. Specifically, when we send something to the printer, it results with the message "The process 'ggpjlprint' stopped unexpectedly with status 2" in the printer's progress dialog window (and stays there indefinitely). We have deleted the print queues, and recreated them, making sure they are identical to the other Macs that work, and the problem persists. We have called in the Konica-Minolta techie, but he has no idea, and has never seen this error before. Of course, like most tech support, they always ask, "do you have this problem on the PC?" Unfortunately, on the 2 PCs, we don't have this problem, so that appears to be his "ticket-out-of-jail" card (aka, it's a Mac problem, figure it our yourself).

We've deleted and recreated the queue a dozen times, already done the repair disk permissions thing... I would really like to know if anyone has a solution for this.
