I think that the ghz world is about dead. Look at cordless phones about 5 years ago when they went from analog to digital and you had them break the 900mhz barrier people jumped on the bandwagon. When they went to 1.8ghz, the world yawned. Now that they are at 2.8, I don't think anyone blinked. Then I just reached down 5 minutes ago to pick up my phone that my girlfriend bought a few weeks ago since our answering machine died and just found out that it was 5.8ghz... So, basically we've had this massive jump and who gives a damn, not I not my neighbor can I even tell the difference not I not my neighbor, do I car this has broad sprectrum digital scrambling so the CIA, Moscow, and Osama can't eves drop on me?... not I and probably not my neighbor. People are starting to yawn with the ghz labeling of pc's. Only a 13 year old can convince the world that a ferrari is better than porsche since it has 30 more horespower.