ghz is dead, like on cordless phones


I think that the ghz world is about dead. Look at cordless phones about 5 years ago when they went from analog to digital and you had them break the 900mhz barrier people jumped on the bandwagon. When they went to 1.8ghz, the world yawned. Now that they are at 2.8, I don't think anyone blinked. Then I just reached down 5 minutes ago to pick up my phone that my girlfriend bought a few weeks ago since our answering machine died and just found out that it was 5.8ghz... So, basically we've had this massive jump and who gives a damn, not I not my neighbor can I even tell the difference not I not my neighbor, do I car this has broad sprectrum digital scrambling so the CIA, Moscow, and Osama can't eves drop on me?... not I and probably not my neighbor. People are starting to yawn with the ghz labeling of pc's. Only a 13 year old can convince the world that a ferrari is better than porsche since it has 30 more horespower.
The GHz / MHz of the mobile phones has nothing to do with its processors. It is the frequency they operate in. Similarly like FM radios are from 87 to 108 MHz - if you want to say bigger MHz = better, a radio station operating on 107,9 MHz is a lot better and advanced than one in 87,3 MHz.

GSM started over 10 years ago. I think the first GSM operator was radiolinja. The GSM phones worked in the frequency of 900 MHz untill the late 1990s, when the air space in Europe become impossible - there were too many people in many cities of Europe with mobile phones. It was impossible to have more phones in the same area, that'swhy they invented the dual band, bein 900 / 1800 MHz.

USA works in 1900 MHz as they were afraid of spies or somehting - they wanted a different frequency.

Some other countries have a frequency of 950 MHz, and dual / trial / quadruple band phones operate on depending where they are to be used (Europe/US/Asia etc) on 900 / 1800, 900/1800/1900, 950/1900, 900/950/1800/1900 etc.

AM radio frequncies were lower than FM (535-1605 kHz instead of 87-108 MHz). Does that mean that as AM was an older invention, FM radio is necessarily a lot better? Why do you think that if this megahertz myth is applicable to anything with a frequency (computer, phone, radio etc) that they have not started to broadcast on a GHz radio frequencies .. lets say UFM to be 50 - 200 GHz?

What was the 9000 mhz barrier in phones? If the MHz barriers are similarly applicable to any device that operates on a frequency, the FM radio broke that 'barrier' decades before computers.
The whole point is that all we want is a phone/computer that works/meets our daily needs...mhz is still mhz when it comes down to it. I always thought that a hertz was a cycle a second, we are talking the english system were nothing makes sense. Everyone knows that the clothing industry changed womens' pant sizes to a number that has nothing to do with anything except a psychological number so woman wouldn't think they were overweight. It's all psychological, numbers really don't mean anything when it comes to marketing. What I am saying is what does it really matter if my phone is 900 mhz or 5.8 ghz. I'm not going to pass up on a new porsche since that corvette has 100 more horespower. Look at, the worlds largest online music store with 400,000 tracks but napster and apple have 500,000... as everyone knows 400 is always bigger then 500 on the second thursday of the month. A number is useless unless it has a prefix or postfix abb. Is 5lbs on the moon 5lbs on the earth, yes and no... That is all life is yes and no and everyone is right while everyone is wrong. Everyone knows everything while everyone knows nothing but yet at the same time no one knows nothing but everyone knows something. But again, who cares as long as what you need to know is what I already know.