Gnome on X11


Hi, I'm really quite new to all this. I've used gnome on Linux (Fedora) before, but never on the Mac. I managed to get Gnome installed via Fink and got it to run on X11, which is good. But got a few questions I hope to get help on.

1. Do I have to keep installing apps via Fink from OS X?

2. And if I install them that way, let's say Abiword or something, it won't be added to Gnome's menu, will it?

3. If I want to use Mozilla, for example, in Gnome on X11, I'd have to get it via fink again even though there's one on OSX?

4. Why is it that I have Wi-Fi working well and good on OS X, but when I turn X11 on, it's wireless indicator says no network?

Anyone with good experience running a full and workable Gnome desktop? Would really appreciate the help. Thanks
Sounds like a lot of work to just get Gnome working when you already have a wonderful working environment in the Finder. Why not just set up a dual boot system with OS X and a Linux/ppc distro? I recommend Ubuntu, but if you are used to Fedora, you might want to look at Yellow Dog Linux.

And if you are logged onto the Linux side, you could always set up Mac on Linux to run your OS X environment under Linux.
Ya, a dual boot was an option. But I figured that switching environments would be much easier by customising X11. At least it would be faster to load into Gnome than doing a reboot. I'll muck around with this till YDL 4 is free to download.

Another issues i'm trying to get round is running fink installed apps. It's like I have to get into X11, xterm and run ./abiword. If you can tell me a way to get an icon on the dock for Abiword, Bluefish and many other Linux apps, I'd gladly dump Gnome on X11.