After debating the pros/cons of gnucash/moneydance/icash/liquidledger/ibank, I've decided to give gnuchash a shot. Never been a quicken user - especially after reading the negatives over on versiontracker.
BUT, something seems to be screwed up with my fink, X11 setup or something else. When I type "fink install gnucash" I get a sudden stop:
Reading package info...(bottom)
I wish they had an aqua version. I've heard it takes 24 hours to compile this program! Has anyone documented their install "luck" or steps that actually work?
dyld: perl Undefined symbols:
BUT, something seems to be screwed up with my fink, X11 setup or something else. When I type "fink install gnucash" I get a sudden stop:
Reading package info...(bottom)
I wish they had an aqua version. I've heard it takes 24 hours to compile this program! Has anyone documented their install "luck" or steps that actually work?
dyld: perl Undefined symbols: