Go Live 6 Comfirmed

Wow, what a find. Did you locate it on your own?

Just in case it gets taken down, this is the meat of the page:
Confidential until announce on 1/7/02: GoLive 6.0 System Requirements
This document lists the system requirements and recommendations for Adobe GoLive 6.0 (Client) and GoLive 6.0 Web Workgroup Server for Mac OS and Windows.

GoLive 6.0 (Client)
Mac OS
- PowerPC® processor (G3 or G4 required for Macintosh® OS 10.1)
- Apple Macintosh® OS 9.1, 9,2, or 10.1 (Native and Classic mode)
- 96 MB of available RAM minimum (withVirtual Memory on), 128 MB of RAM recommended
- 90 MB of available hard-disk space
- CD-ROM drive
- 1024x768 monitor resolution recommended

(it goes on about other requirements for the server and for windows)

It doesn't say it's coming out but it sure does imply it.
workgroup server requirement (mac os): g3 or g4 running os 10.1 or later. :) this means: they did not - as did macromedia - ditch the mac os as a server platform. yay, adobe, go go go! :)
if Macromedia would just get Dreamweaver and Flash out the door I could remove Classic from my computer alltogether...
*grin* ... I'm so happy about the fact that I don't have to start Classic at all these days... As soon as our copy of GoLive 6 arrives (this is a must-have update for our lil company), I'll start and do new webpages again. :) No, of course I've been working in GL 5 in Classic, but I hated it. So f*!ing slow it was. Photoshop 7 will rock, too.

But even as my apps are all carbonated soon, I won't completely remove OS 9 for now. Sure, it hogs some space, but for one I always had two system partitions in my life for one purpose: If one goes down, I can start from the other to look after the other. So my OS 9 partition will stay for that purpose for sure. Also it helps for doing backups before reinstalling in such a case. Of course I do regular backups, but they never catch it all, even if they're only a day old or so.

And, there'll still be one or the other app that needs Classic sometimes.
When GoLive 6 comes out, I will be re-evaluating my web design choice of using Dreamweaver for the Mac. Currently, version 4 is great feature wise, but it's performance on the Mac is abysmal. Particularly, even on my dual800, tasks such as navigating open and save dialog boxes are super slow. Plus there are issues of slow typing of text, and other little nagging performance issues. If Macromedia can't get these addressed in the next Mac version, I'll be heading back to GoLive...