God I love my Apple Store!


Barking at the moon.
Day 1

I just got through the biggest pain-in-the-ass problem I've had on my Mac since I got it about 5 months ago. I'm in the middle of a research paper and all of the sudden my internet goes out. I figured it was @home because they've been rather finnicky since going bankrupt.

Anyhow, all the modem lights are on so I check it on my roommate's PC. Works fine. I look at my Airport, everything seems cool. I do a bunch of resetting but to no avail. I still have a signal but no internet.

Day 2

Next day I decide to bring it to the Apple Store and see if they can look at it. The Mac Genius there (Bryan) runs a bunch of tests and everything seems fine. So he does a HARD reset on the BaseStation and sends me on my way.

I get home to reconfigure it and now, and the freaking net still does not work. So I go back to the Apple Store and meet up with Bryan again. He says the BaseStation is probably messed so he gives me a new one.

Back home I try to configure the replacement BaseStation but my iBook doesn't even see the thing now. No signal, no nothing. Now I'm a bit pissed. I read through the manual and it says you can configure it with a crossover cable, so I goto the Apple Store and drop 10 bones on one.

Day 3

Now with everything wired together, the BaseStation starts being a bitch and resetting itself while I'm configuring. Now I've had it, I go back to see Bryan and he starts doing a load of tests on it. Turns out, the one he gave me is trash. He busts out my original BaseStation and loads up the new Airport software.

I head back home and voila! It all works! Now that was a MAJOR pain in the ass. But imagine if I didn't have an Apple Store 10 minutes away. It would have been 3x worse and taken 3x longer to fix the problem. Especially for a goof like me.
Hey, yeah, my family's base station recently started going crazy and decided it wouldn't want to be recognized... took it to the Glendale Apple Store, and the guy at the Genius bar confirmed that "the thing is fried" and gave us a new one... aren't they so nice at Apple Stores?
I am SO psyched! An apple Store is opening up in the Cambridge Side galleria :D Thats closed that the peah-bo-dy location ;) I am just so :D at this moment!