Gonzo Journalism


Ministry of Re-Education

Hunter S. Thompson also wrote a book called Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas that is in the style of Gonzo Journalism. It takes place during the early 70's in the afterglow of the politically charged 60's. The book is also a movie, and the movie follows the book almost word for word. I must have seen this Film 50 or 60 times and it's still one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's become a cult classic around here. I'm not going to get into a review of the movie, I might bore you to death.

I highly recommend this movie to any intelligent person. It makes me feel sad that people may be going about their busy lives in a haze, milling around like robots in the daily grind, and they may never see this movie. It would be a real tragedy if you missed it.

Thompson, the self proclaimed "Doctor of Journalism" is an avid leftist, and still does speeches here and there.
That espn.com article is a funny coincidence because in the movie he was reporting on a 3-day dirtbike race in the dessert, or, at least that was his original assignment but then everything went wrong.