I came across this site as I was Googling a printing problem. Looks pretty cool here so far. Just thought I'd quickly pop into the cafe to say "Hi" before moving on to post my issue in the Mac OS X forum.
Love my iMac, but it does act up now and then. Did some S/W updates last weekend, and then my printing functions went screwy. Stalled jobs, no print status monitor, no printer set up utility, yadda yadda yadda. I'm hoping there is a quick fix, but my research so far tells me I'll have to uninstall then reinstall my OS to get that utility back.
Anyway, no more shop talk here in the "fun" zone. I see you have a variety of topics on the go here right now. I'm listening to something relaxing right now (Beethoven's 5th) to keep me cool during this technical issue, though I've been spinning some old Kiss, Johnny Cash, and jazz this weekend.
BTW, I'm a graphics guy (illustrator and designer), and am not much on the technical side... only what I pick up as I experience problems! On a need to know basis
Catcha later, folks,
Love my iMac, but it does act up now and then. Did some S/W updates last weekend, and then my printing functions went screwy. Stalled jobs, no print status monitor, no printer set up utility, yadda yadda yadda. I'm hoping there is a quick fix, but my research so far tells me I'll have to uninstall then reinstall my OS to get that utility back.
Anyway, no more shop talk here in the "fun" zone. I see you have a variety of topics on the go here right now. I'm listening to something relaxing right now (Beethoven's 5th) to keep me cool during this technical issue, though I've been spinning some old Kiss, Johnny Cash, and jazz this weekend.
BTW, I'm a graphics guy (illustrator and designer), and am not much on the technical side... only what I pick up as I experience problems! On a need to know basis
Catcha later, folks,