Good fonts in


Senior Lurker
Does anyone have any suggestions for a good font to use in Terminal?

I'm looking for a "block" style font - my screens are constantly being misaligned (a dash doesn't have the same "width" as a "w", for example, and a lot of formatting gets screwed up). Many of the fonts look like they might work, but are oddly spaced (there's like an entire character's width BETWEEN each characters, even though I've adjusted window settings to a char width of 0)

Also, while I'm at it, does anyone know if it's possible to set shell colors (like Linux, where certain file types are marked certain colors, etc)?

For the characters to align and/or avoid the odd spacing, you need to use a monospaced font. Finding out which fonts are monospaced can be a chore without some font helper app -- though I understand this will be easier with the Panther FontBook.

The color-coding isn't as much a function of the terminal as it is the programs. Google for 'color ls' and you may find an ls implementation that will emit colored lists.

Thanks for that. Do you know of a font or fonts that ARE mono-spaced, particularly ones that would have come with 10.2?