Good Games For Power PC's?


anyone know any good games for PPC, all the good games are intel only, i have a G5 (bluddie hell bet you wouldn't have guessed that!) Anyway to make Intel games for PPC?

There are some very good open source games that are Universal Binaries. Check out some like Tremulous, Sauerbraten, Neverball, World of Padman, and the like. They run pretty well on my 2.0 GHz iMac G5 17" ALS.
I also have a G5 and here is what I have in my games folder at the moment (it tends to change quite a lot as I like to play a demo for a while and then move onto something else):

Alchemy Deluxe Nanosaur (OS9)
American History Lux Nanosaur 2
Bejeweled Deluxe No one lives forever
Bejeweled Deluxe 2 Quake
Big Money Deluxe Quake II
Bookworm Deluxe Scrabble
Bugdom(OS9) Seven Seas
Chess The Ur-Quan Masters
Cro-Mag Rally Unreal Tournament
Doomsday Engine Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo
FreedomForce (CD) Warcraft III WingNuts
LEGO Digital Designer Zoo Tycoon
MarbleBlast Gold Zuma Deluxe
Mummy Maze
I'm pretty sure Colin McRae Rally, Doom 3, Ford Racing 2, Prey, Quake 4, and UT2004 are all UB's.
I think there are quite a few good games for the PPC architecture (in fact, I can probably think of more problems the other way round, with games not working on Intel or not playing as well under Rosetta). So the good news is you should be fine. :)

How about...

Alien vs. Predator
Alien vs. Predator 2
American McGee's Alice
Call of Duty (and Call of Duty: United Offensive)
Max Payne
Quake III Arena (Open Source version, ioquake3, too)
Rise of Nations Gold Edition
Star Wars Battlefront
Tom's Clancy's Rainbow Six
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (free and Universal binary)
I'm surprised nobody has posted anything about the original Fable. I have been playing The Lost Chapters on my G5 for a while now and I love this game. It's a bit funny that this was one of the games that said "Only On XBox" on it's original case. If you E-Mail me I can send you a link and instructions on how to install it properly. And this is just me being honest: 2 and 3 are not nearly as good as the first.
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Well there is a lot of stuff that you can play almost
Swat 4
Need for speed undercover
Asphalt 5
FIFA 2011
Check out - there's lots of games for both intel & PPC macs. Especially look through the discounted stock page, as those are mainly older PPC games that are being sold off cheap. Not many left now though - seem to be selling off quickly!
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Mummy Maze
Star Wars Battlefront
And Max Payne
These games are really to good and also having a great fun.......