Good Idea of .mac

with all of these new web extesions like .xxx .golf ect. why can apple just use .mac? instead of the very hard to remeber

could'nt apple simply do

satanicpoptart.mac ?????

im sure somebody can fill me in on why or why not this could be done.

also ive just started a personal web page this week and i really dont know how to make a email box ( as seen on xaq's homepage) could anybody help me with this to?(xaq?)
it would probably be Apple.yournamehere.mac

because if it were soandso.mac that would be just like or
You can get a re-directing .tk site with, why can't Apple get all .mac addresses?
Originally posted by JetosX
it would probably be Apple.yournamehere.mac

because if it were soandso.mac that would be just like or

You mean But not sure all that's involved in getting a new top level domain, but it's a lot. I'd like to see them try, though, and what Microsoft would do in return!
i think its only a matter of time until microsoft tries to sue me for copyright violation because i have a .net domain...
:D Good point fbp_!

I too have a .net domain, I am now worried, because I also have a .com domaim, and since Microsoft do COMputer software, they may just be seeking to cease and desist my .com domain!

As for .org, they are safe 'cause they could never be accused of being ORiGinal!:D
Originally posted by uoba
:D Good point fbp_!

I too have a .net domain, I am now worried, because I also have a .com domaim, and since Microsoft do COMputer software, they may just be seeking to cease and desist my .com domain!

As for .org, they are safe 'cause they could never be accused of being ORiGinal!:D

ha ha you guys are funny !!
Top level domains are decided upon by

Their board has to vote on whether or not a new top level domain should be included in the DNS system.

.Mac would be a cool top level domain, but you'd have to have a lot of people behind it.