Good news for QPS Que! USB CD-RW (4x2x8 or 4x4x8) CD burners!


Unofficial Mac Genius
Well, it seems like QPS FINALLY came out with working drivers for their Que! USB CD-RW 4x2x8 and Que! USB CD-RW 4x4x8 burners. From the preliminary comments on, it looks like it actually WORKS and allows burning in iTunes, the Finder, and Toast (even though QPS says this doesn't work).

I can't say "good job" to QPS, because they took a HELL of a long time to finish this job, but at least it's finally here.

Here's the URL to the software:
QPS-Inc. seems to be down (or gone) for a couple of days now. I need this driver, does anyone know where else I can get it?
