Gotta resinstall DVD Player....oops....


Well, after I installed the 10.2.2 update the other day and subsequently tried to play a DVD, I ran into the problems with the DVD Player that seem to be a by-product of the update. Something in that update really screws with the DVD Player app. Anyway, after fooling around with settings and such for a good four hours, I decided to give reinstalling the DVD Player app a shot. Methinks I goofed along the way. I removed the existing program, downloaded the DVD Player 3.1 download from, installed it, and now I have a new problem. Insert a DVD, and DVD Player starts automatically like it's supposed to....then quits almost immediately. Same thing when you start it from the applications folder. Starts, bounces once or twice, then goes away. Go figure.

Yeah, so any ideas? I'm out of ideas at this point, unfortunately, so any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Oh yeah....the obligatory problems with DVD Player after the update are several random error messages indicating things like DVDs possibly being scratched or dirty (which they're not) or that it detected some manner of serious error or something along those lines. Same kind of thing others seem to be running into.

I had this exact same problem myself. I searched and searched, asked many questions, subscribed to seven different bulletin boards and downloaded and installed DVD Player 3.1 about half-a-dozen times before I figured out what the problem was.

Opening your System Profiler and looking at the crash log will tell you much. Then using the Console will tell you even more. It will tell you all about what has been going wrong with your DVD Player. But, it won't tell you how to fix it. I tried a couple of methods.

First, I tried taking the DVD Player files (hidden in the package contents) from my sister's machine and using them in mine. Nope. Didn't work.

Second, I tried fixing priviledges using the Terminal. Nope. Didn't work.

Third, I reinstalled the system software. All of it. Clean installs up and down the board. Started with 10.0. Upgraded then to 10.1.5. Next to 10.2 and finally to 10.2.1 (10.2.2 hadn't arrived yet. That did the trick. I installed so that I created an entirely new System folder. That way it would replace everything and I would still have all my old System files in case something went wrong.

And something did go wrong too! The exact same problem was now occuring for iCal. Since I had upgraded to 10.2 by creating new system folder, I was then able to go in and replace all the new iCal files with all the old ones.

Hope this helps.
