Gradual Network Failure from Airport after Upgrading to Panther


Hi there.
I have 17" laptop connected to the my home network using an Apple Airport, non-extreme version. Prior to upgrading to Panther I was able to transfer large files (over 2 MB) either as attachments or remote mounts without any problems.

Ever since I upgraded to Panther, I am no longer able to move large files without the network failing. When the file begins to transfer, it moves along fine. But as the transfer progresses, the signal strength indicator begins to drop. Then as the transfer continues, then it suddenly drops out totally and it looses the connection. Then it comes back on it's own in about 20-30 seconds.

At first I thought it was my basestation but I replaced it with a new extreme version but the problem continued. I started asking around to my friends that also have the 17" system and they experienced the same thing. In all cases, the problem only occured after we upgraded to Panther, prior to that we had no problems.

Anyone have any ideas?
