mac shaman
Available now!!
is this list of new features long enough?
is this list of new features long enough?

What's new in this version:
¥ support for downloading images from digital cameras added (MacOS X only)
¥ SVG export added
¥ TIF options are now accessable by AppleScript
¥ EPS line endings are now defineable
¥ new MacOS X Canon scanner drivers work now
¥ nef support improved
¥ windows ico export can now export ico's with millions of colors
¥ xpm import supports now all named colors
¥ html export writes now lowercase attributes; so a change to xhtml is much simpler
¥ icc profile message improved
¥ import of jpx files (a JPEG variant added)
¥ sRGB ignore option added to JPEG export (to avoid problems with mail on MacOS 10.2.x)
¥ crash after saving very large BMPs fixed
¥ CRW import improved
¥ possible empty page printing after usage of Smart Trim fixed
¥ browser will display a note after changing the preview size to a larger value than the creationn size
¥ possible crash during CAM import on MacOS X fixed
¥ crash during display of incomplete EXIF previews fixed
¥ catalog thumbnail size may now be defined much larger
¥ undo works now from AppleScript
¥ crash during mode change with visible overview fixed
¥ extraction of comments added to convert
¥ new image from clipboard will no longer crash on MacOS X if the image uses QuickTime compression
¥ xpm import will now use an unused color for the NONE color
¥ bug in slice saving fixed
¥ text will now be embedded into the graphic before saving
¥ slideshow will now display on the device selected in the preferences (multi-monitor setups only)
¥ animated gifs with negative frame rects will be corrected upon import
¥ copy to option will now display the normal rename dialog for double files
¥ applescript command trim has now a tolerance parameter
¥ edit comment in browser supports now gif comments, too
¥ temporary sRGB profile will now be deleted after quitting the program
¥ slideshow with find enhanced (speed)
¥ long filenames will now be displayed correctly in the slideshow
¥ rename in convert supports now the removing of a part of the filename
¥ option added to rotate images depending on the EXIF orientation tag (browser)
¥ replace dialog shows now the pixel count (browser, slideshow)
¥ support for newer SFW files added
¥ fep import added
¥ disable of antialias text works now on 10.2.x, too
¥ slideshow effect time is now editable
¥ scaling algorithm variant added
¥ bug in long file name support with multipage formats fixed in convert
¥ option to calculate the occupied area (of a color) in an image added
¥ display of image count in the slideshow can now be disabled
¥ bug in saving grayscale images as JP2 fixed
¥ slideshow uses now a plain window without shadows (this applies only to multimonitor environments)
¥ bug in opening CMYK Photoshop files with QuickTime fixed
¥ other changes and bug fixes