Graphics hardware acceleration


I found a good thread on one of the other sites that I like to visit. I've complained many times about the slow browsing speed of my iBook. According to these guys, it's probably because the video card that came with it sucks.

I used to think that Apple always included great components in their machines. In my mind it even explained the high prices. I'm really dissapointed to know that the video card stinks and that it always will.

Um, you're a little behind :D This was talked about DAYYS ago. We've already narrowed the main problem down to their tests and IE. Pages never take 10 seconds to load from the hard drive, even in IE, but IE is the slowest OS X browser. Try Mozilla, Chimera(I can't spell it!), iCab, OmniWeb, etc. etc. etc. to browse faster.

Please don't start this thread up again. It's been talked about and discussed and it's over ;)
I am not behind. My machine does take longer than 10 seconds to load large pages, even from the hard drive. I have several posts on the threads that you accused me of not reading.

Perhaps this is a good chance for me to accuse you of not reading the threads? Nah, that would be idiotic because I can see that you posted to them too. Instead, I'll just suggest that you check before you insult me.

I see that you have the same iceBook that I do with the same amount of RAM. I'm surprised that you aren't having slow rendering times too. What I thought was new (my reason for posting) was the math behind ram usage on the video card.

Did you read the thread I linked? If not, you might get something from it. I did.

Um, last I heard, OS X does NOT offload any of the Quartz graphics to the graphics card, and I think THIS is why it's slow. I believe the processor has to do all of the work.

I'm not sure if I can believe that last post in the thread.
I too heard that OS X does not take advantage of the GPU but lets the CPU do all the rendering...I think Apple will change this in the next version of OS X.
I'm sure Apple is working on it.

I don't have any slowness issues on my iBook or PowerMac with Mozilla. Everything seems to be instant.
Originally posted by voice-
Then you're a fool dricci, it should show about 3 seconds before you click a link

Uh, I'm a fool because my computer isn't running slow? Ok...:confused:
vanguard, you always seem to be a pessimist when everyone else takes things fine, even with slower systems. When I had to use my old Wall Stree 350 in OSX, IE was just about as zippy as OW is now on my TiBook. Are you sure something isn't seriously wrong with your computer? It just seems like you're always complaining about something.

Also, the Rage Mobility is quite an old chipset, but it works perfectly fine, even for games like UT and Q3. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be upgraded, it desperately needs to be, but it still performs quite well.
I've considered that my computer might be slower than other computers of the same model. I've also considered that my standards might be higher.

To address those thoughts I went to the apple store and played around with the similar but slightly faster iBook 600s. Those machines also took more than 15 seconds to render the larger pages that you can find on slashdot.

I wish I spent more time testing but I had my two year old daughter with me so even a few minutes was hard to come by. In the little time I did spend, I thought that the 600 was about 20% faster. However, I wouldn't put too much stock in that. My test practices weren't very good. (As a professional software developer, I know how unreliable somebody's impression can be. Use a real timing device if you want real times.)

Anyway, this machine is slow. I can't believe that somebody would think otherwise. When I get a chance I'll go to the local apple store and compare it to the models in the store.
