I don't like the way you've set it to pop-up a new window aafter the title page. Why would you want to leave the title page open?
Also, on the title page, I clicked the circular symbol out of habit, then found it was only the text that was linked.
And the title 'opening' could probably be a bit more specific: 'Green Media - Welcome' might make more sense.
Other than that, the title page looks great.
I like the animation on the main page logo and menus. Neat, cool, and unobtrusive, though you might want a link to the main homepage. Also, please don't hide my toolbar buttons ... how is a casual user meant to get back to your homepage if they can't see either a back button or any link home? Personally, I don't like any page that mucks with my browser's default settings.
One of the really annoying things is that the text menu items, such as "web design" seem to require you to point directly on the text to highlight, and not on the gaps in the letters. This can create an odd, flickery effect as you run the mouse slowly over the menu items, and the user is never quite sure if they're picked something or not.
Presentation looks very nice, and once you've straightened out some of the interface quirks it will be ready to pour in the content.