green vertical line comes and goes on 17" flat panel



There's a thin green vertical line on my 17" flat panel that comes and goes every once in a while...
When I boot up, it's not there for a few minutes, then it appears, so it clearly isn't
the panel that's bad, but what causes this? (ah! it just went away!!)

I temporarely have a NVIDIA GeForce4 MX in there until I buy the DVI-ADC adapter from apple. Usually i have a Radeon 8500... they both have 64MB of video memory, but the the Radeon is much better according to a few bench tests, it just doesn't support ADC without the adapter...
anyway, i think that every AGP mac supports NVIDIA cards, and that line is the only weird occurrence... is there something I am missing?
or maybe it's normal with flat panels, I just got mine....

anyone has any ideas? thanks.

Did you calibrate the monitor?
Is there a reason you did not get the adapter?
I did calibrate it when I used my CRT at the same time, but for now I don't need both screens on simultaneously, so I switched it back to the factory settings...

I didn't buy the adaptor yet because I had that gefoce4 MX sitting there and saving me $100 for a bit... but I can tell that it's not up to par with the radeon, so I need to get it... just haven't gotten around to it. probably this week though. But could that be the problem, I doubt it... the geforce4 MX is meant to be used with the flat panels...

Anyway... it comes and goes.... we'll see if it's still there when my radeon is in...

Look to see exactly what is happening when it appears or disappears. Use the top command in the Terminal to monitor your current activity, and check it when the line appears to see if any odd activities started up, and vice versa.