Hahahaha... you've GOTTA read this!


Unofficial Mac Genius
OK. Every once in a while, it's nice to have a healthy dose of the bashing of analysts who think that Apple's going down the tubes, if you know what I mean.

And this one is particularly good:


I'll entice you with this one little paragraph, that had me hysterically laughing when I read the last sentence:

"Now, does anyone who actually uses Macs for a living seriously think that things are going to be any easier or better if Macs were using Intel processors, even from a marketing standpoint? Last time I checked, Intel's ubiquitous television ads don't actually specify which computers use them. It's all about brand identity. The only upside I can see to such a move is that we'd finally have Blue Man Group pushing something related to Mac hardware, on which they already depend backstage. Well, I'd prefer Blue Man Group to those big-eyed grey aliens who start disco-dancing every time a Pentium 4 chip is dropped into one of their anal probe devices."
93 people have looked at this thread and no one has replied. If Manic had still been here this thread would have 50 or more posts in it by now.

On the other hand, you posted about no new Power Macs in the non Technical Forum and replies averaged about five an hour. Go figure:rolleyes: :p
that excert is fuuunny :D
Those dancing aliens have no rythm...they need to talk to disco stew to get their groove on he he he :)
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
93 people have looked at this thread and no one has replied. If Manic had still been here this thread would have 50 or more posts in it by now.

You got that right. Luckily, that idiot Manic seems to have vanished back into the oceans. I'll bet you he'll surface again in due time, unless he gets banned once and for all.

On the other hand, you posted about no new Power Macs in the non Technical Forum and replies averaged about five an hour. Go figure:rolleyes: :p

I noticed that, too. :p

I like to watch all of my threads -- it's always interesting for me to see which of my threads will get 20 or so posts, which get more, and which don't get many at all.
Originally posted by AdmiralAK
that excert is fuuunny :D
Those dancing aliens have no rythm...they need to talk to disco stew to get their groove on he he he :)

Admiral, you have been hanging around with Herve too long.
Manic is a PeeCee troll that hung out here and bothered everyone :p

As for hanging around herve too much...it's weird... I thought that by now I would have already hooked up with a nice dutch girl (samatha fox ?:p) --- probably not hanging out enough he he he :-)