Halo PC


Mr. Wizard
I've looked and I've looked and there doesn't seem to be any news about he release of Halo PC for mac...only that it will shortly follow the PC release. Why isn't the game even listed on the Macsoft website the developer...

Anyway if someone know more than i about this report.... :D

it's kinda frustrating to be left in the dark about it
Halo was supposed to be a Mac-only title released 2 years ago. Now, the Mac version is the third version, after the Xbox and now the PC. Don't you feel like a third-rate computer user?

Yeah. :-P Remember when Microsoft bought Bugie, and they told us everything would be just hunky-dory! yeah! look! This is why I don't trust them with Virtual PC, either.
I find it fun to think that the official release date would have been September 2001 for Mac, later for PC if MS hadn't bought out Bungie...
Halo was never, ever announced to be a Mac only title. I have no clue where people get that idea. It was being developed for Macs and PCs simultaneously just as Myth and Myth II had been. After getting taste of the PC market with those two previous games, why would they develop their new game for Macs only? It wouldn't make good business sense.

The game was first showed to select Gaming press at the E3 preceding the infamous MWNY 99. They demoed the PC version there. The Mac version wasn't even fully working (OpenGL issues I believe) when they showed the PC demo to Steve Jobs about a week and a half before MWNY99.
Halo was supposed to be a Mac-only title released 2 years ago. Now, the Mac version is the third version, after the Xbox and now the PC. Don't you feel like a third-rate computer user?
No, I've always hated ol' Billy and M$. Check out this. Nothing So Strange Bungie was so awesome before M$. They were fair with releasing everything equal and of great quality. The quality MAY still be there but M$ killed the equality big time. I'll stop there before I go overboard.
Halo for the PC was a totally HORRID port. Slow, laggy....the performance is horrible, even on a top of the line brand new pc. I hope they do a better job porting it over to the mac, but with our luck, it'll be a port of the windows ported version, heh....and it'll just be even worse. I mean....it was literally not very playable at all on the PC :(
When microsoft starts running their xboxes on ppc 970 processors all it will take to play microsoft games will be a G5 :) yes!
At least I do hope that you can, do xbox games come on cd/dvd? I've honestly never seen one ;)
Mr. K, you seem to lack knowledge of the difference between a console game and a computer game.

Both must be written for specific types of hardware and can not simply be ported over. After all, the Xbox is running a modified Windows kernel; why didn't they just run the Xbox version of Halo on the PC? They have to re-write it to use the system architecture, the graphic libraries, the competition with other programs for CPU cycles and other resources, different input devices (anything from a keyboard and mouse to gamepads and joysticks) instead of simply one gamepad, and so on and so forth.

I believe Xbox games use a CD format, though I don't know which format. I do know they have a built-in DVD player, but I do not believe the games are DVD's themselves.