Happy Birthday themacko!!!


mac shaman
Well, here's hoping you get your best b-day present - a sun devils' win in the Holiday bowl game tonite!!

and may your day be generally happy and filled with good things otherwise. :)
Thanks guys! Well we lost the bowl game, but man did the Devils show up. For being the biggest underdogs of any bowl game this season (-17.5 points) we definately had a chance to win that thing.

I had a great birthday, one I'll definately remember ... or not if you know I mean. ;)
sorry you didn't get your present - i wish i had seen your sig sooner - i would have looked for you. it was a great game and i really thought you guys were going to win it. i know moral victories suck, but at least you got one of those.

well, at least you had fun :D
Wow, I go out of town for a couple days and Scott becomes a year older... now there is one for the Time Travel thread!

Best of wishes for ya Scott! :D Hope you had a great birthday!