Hard Disk Upgrade on my 27-inch Late 2009 iMac 11,1


Hello Everyone,

I would like to upgrade the harddisk in my iMac from a Seagate 1TB model to a Seagate 2TB model.

I have read in the forums that for this particular model of the iMac, i have to ensure that i buy the same model of the hard disk as what came in my machine originally. So i have figured that part out. I am thinking of getting a 2.0TB Seagate Barracuda XT.

Am i expected to run into any problems post upgrade?

I read somewhere that Apple has done some firmware upgrade which pretty much limits user options for disk upgrades. Result being, your FAN goes mad and runs at rull speed and etc etc..

Any and every feedback is useful.

Thank you.


iMac 27 Inch Core i5, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
My iMac is fitted with a 1TB Seagate hard drive (Model #ST31000528ASQ) and i would like to have this upgraded with a 2TB Seagate hard drive (Model # ST32000641AS)

I have got a go ahead from OWC technical support and they seem to have had no customers reporting of a problem. But i have also read somewhere that, Apple fits a custom firmware on the hard drive that pretty much makes 3rd party upgrades impossible. Even if the heat sensing cables are swapped right, they seem to be blasting at full speeds.

Any thoughts?
... But i have also read somewhere that, Apple fits a custom firmware on the hard drive that pretty much makes 3rd party upgrades impossible. ...
Oh, puleese! What is this, buyer's remorse? People upgrade the hard drives in their Macs with either higher-specification hard drives or SSDs all the time. If what you "heard" were true, then OWC would be committing a fraud on you and everyone else who purchased a hard drive from the company. Let me state without equivocation that OWC is a highly reputable company. It sold you a quality from which you can expect quality service.