"hard-headed" alias won't delete...


I recently wanted to take OS 9 off my laptop and just keep OS X on it... so to do this is used the following terminal command to delet all the directories associated with OS 9:

sudo rm -r "directory"

after deleteing everything and doing a little more house cleaning... I restarted the computer just to give it a fresh start... I went back into my HDD and there was an alias to "Desktop (OS 9)"

I tried to deleting it again... and succeeded, but after a restart... It came back once again... how can i get rid of this alias for good?

Thanks for any help...

I'm sure this is a "feature" of the Finder.

Probably you can write an AppleScript or shell script that is invoked each time you login to re-delete it each time.

...or maybe you can simply change the permissions to 000 or make it invisible...
Go to macupdate.com or versiontracker.com and download one or all of the following programs:


When I have a file that just WON'T go away, one of these programs, or a combination of them, does the trick. Sometimes it takes a log-out/log-in or a restart to force the computer to recognize that the file is gone, but I've been able to dispose of everything this way.

I'm sure that there's a way to do this type of thing from the console, but I gave up on that a long time ago. No patience to learn *NIX commands.