has anyone seen this PDF error before?


I seem to get it while using Adobe Illustrator and it pops up when i try saving a file or try copying it...

"Acrobat PDF File Format is having difficulties. There was a Macintosh System error (-37)"

Anyone have any ideas how i can rectify the problem?
Check the permissions on the boot HD and your working HD as well...

What version of Illistrator?
Are you using OS9 natively or in CLassic mode within OSX?

THat leads me to having you rebuild your desktop too.
I'm using Tiger, OSX 10.4.4 and Illustrator 10....my permissions are set to read and write and i'm not sure how to rebuild the desktop...
You don't need to rebuild your desktop then. There is no such thing in OSX.

How much free space do you have left? Can you save your file (export) into another file type?