The past few days have been interesting for me.
I was in charge of getting a PC for my dad, who has to run a PC-based drafting program. He had been using a beige Power Mac G3 266 MHz. I ended up at and we purchased a $4,000 system:
3.06 GHz Intel Xeon
20 GB HD
20" flat panel Dell display
128 MB nVidia dual DVI graphics card
There's more, but this is off of memory anyway, so I'll stop
Anyway, the system is very nice. It starts up from cold boot in 36 seconds. That's me pushing the button to being able to use the system. It's quiet (this fact suprised me, considering the Xeon is supposed to be a server chip and the thing has 5 fans.) All in all, a top-o-the-line PC.
BUT, it runs Windows XP. The more I worked with it, the more frustrated I got. Things were just not easy. Maybe I couldn't divorce myself from my "Mac love," but I don't think it's like that. I'm a pretty tech-savvy person, and can tell good software from crappy software. Programs failed to respond. I couldn't find preferences I thought ought to exist. I HATE the windows domain / workgroup scheme. My experience with Windows XP left me very much hateful of the whole eXPerience.
But my story ends with a happy ending! My wife had wanted an iBook for a long time, and we (she) decided on a graphite iBook off eBay. We got it today along with an AirPort Base Station (also off eBay,) and I'm typing on it right now, totally cordless.
Moral of my story? PCs may be fast, but Macs truly do work better! And Macs can even be FUN! So enjoy your Mac - switching to PC is not worth the frustration (at least for me!)
I was in charge of getting a PC for my dad, who has to run a PC-based drafting program. He had been using a beige Power Mac G3 266 MHz. I ended up at and we purchased a $4,000 system:
3.06 GHz Intel Xeon
20 GB HD
20" flat panel Dell display
128 MB nVidia dual DVI graphics card
There's more, but this is off of memory anyway, so I'll stop
Anyway, the system is very nice. It starts up from cold boot in 36 seconds. That's me pushing the button to being able to use the system. It's quiet (this fact suprised me, considering the Xeon is supposed to be a server chip and the thing has 5 fans.) All in all, a top-o-the-line PC.
BUT, it runs Windows XP. The more I worked with it, the more frustrated I got. Things were just not easy. Maybe I couldn't divorce myself from my "Mac love," but I don't think it's like that. I'm a pretty tech-savvy person, and can tell good software from crappy software. Programs failed to respond. I couldn't find preferences I thought ought to exist. I HATE the windows domain / workgroup scheme. My experience with Windows XP left me very much hateful of the whole eXPerience.
But my story ends with a happy ending! My wife had wanted an iBook for a long time, and we (she) decided on a graphite iBook off eBay. We got it today along with an AirPort Base Station (also off eBay,) and I'm typing on it right now, totally cordless.
Moral of my story? PCs may be fast, but Macs truly do work better! And Macs can even be FUN! So enjoy your Mac - switching to PC is not worth the frustration (at least for me!)