Have a free CD

lol, yeah Dark City was sort of the inspiration for that track. I should have spliced in some samples from the movie. Maybe I still will.
I'm no expert, but Capitol sounds like Aphex Twin, I likes that a lot. Really a good track, one of my favorites. The parts I didn't like that much in your previous songs (the drums) have greatly improved, a very pleasant surprise.

Both thumbs up ! :)
toast: thanks, yeah I worked a little more on drum sequencing. I figure a couple more albums and I might be good. I have a catalog of 106 tracks now. If I ever buy more web space I'll upload all of it. Right now I only got 200MB.

This was actually before the show at a little local nightspot. Habilis(that's me) is the wierd looking guy behind Eric. Eric is my Brother, in law. Eric has an audio project called Spectresaw http://www.spectresaw.com. You can download his full CD there if you want. just go to the audio link. I had to have a couple whiskey sours before I got up there.
What do you do in concert? Do you sing, play keyboard, strum a guitar, or do you get up there and fiddle with a computer?

You'll need to be careful with splicing in material from a movie. That material is undoubtedly copywrighted, and you'd probably have to get the studio's permission. However, I wouldn't want to discourage you from doing this.

Is there any way I could actually obtian a CD of this? If I can take the easy way out of downloading all the tracks and burning them myself, I'd like to (plus, I haven't gotten my new burner working yet).

What did you do to create this music? I'd like some ideas for making techno-type stuff. Recording (for hard rock) is one thing, but this is different, and uses different techniques.

Maybe I'll take a class at the local JC in studio recording and figure it out from there. If I ever get something together, I'll post a link.
This thread is emabarassing because it is all about me. I didn't know how to avoid this.

arden: In a show, I do alternate mixes and play the keys live. The alternate mixes are usually so much of a variation that you can't recognize it - and that's the point. Performing this stuff live is no easy task. Please download the entire CD for free here: http://www.bonkdown.com/habilis.html . Thats' the 12 tracks on my lastest CD called 'Correct'. It's impossible for any "little guy" to make money selling CD's anymore. The advent of MP3 sharing has destoyed us, and I'm not bitter, it was natural. The only way to make money is by getting people to like your music, then putting on a little show or 2 like I do. Like I said I do it for the love of it, I hardly make a hundred bucks for a nights hard work on stage, doing all the mixing live, lugging all the equipment around, taking all the risks, giving away free CD's. It's a labor of love you see. You're not getting rich my brother.

As far as sampling goes; I don't sample jack-squat. Everything you hear, every drum, every chord is original. Some sampled from my live drum set and the rest is programmed on a drum machine or though the Reason program, which is available on Mac now(google it up for a free demo) and PC only Soundforge. Soundforge is the crux of all my music, pure wav control and engineering. The only thing I've ever sampled is voices. And if you listen to the tracks, you'll see that even that is very very rare.

At any rate, this is electronica, pure and simple, no mainstream crap. No 4 on 4 dance beats. No droning repetitive drum beats(unless I aim for it) to "get you on tha dance foor". I like to refer to it as "Bedroom Techno". Beacause that's where you might end up listening to it most. This is anti-commercial, anti-pop, anti-corporate audio anguish, and I just hope you enjoy 1 or 2 tracks.
wow i kind of like this in a kind of way.... at some parts i like it, yet sometimes its okay. All in all, good stuff habillis!
Thanks androo, sounds like an excellent review to me and what I would expect. Thats all I can genuinely hope for is that you like some of it. Thanks
Nobody ever accused you of sampling anything! :)

It's good to hear that you only use your own sounds, with maybe a few defaults. If I had more money to invest in this, I would also be making music, some like this, some hard rock.

Would you actually send me a CD, though, if I asked for one? I'd be willing to pay you, maybe $5. I know I can download all the songs for free and burn them myself, but it's more of a hassle than it should be and I'd like to support the local, starving-artist scene (even if it isn't my locality).
arden: One other thing. You don't need that much money at all to get started. You could get away just buying this program called Reason 2 by Propellerheads Software. It has 2 full-time analog synths(that are incredibly powerful and detailed BTW), the best drum machine made, Fully programmable sequencers, mixers, effects, piano key roll.

Having pressure sensitive Keys does make a huge difference in how fast and liberally you can compose, and also you can link through MIDI the keyboard to Reason. so save up for while and get good synth, like a Korg or Roland.

In my experience, It's endless fun and makes an excellent pain and stress reliever. Put all your daily frusterations into your music and it comes out good, and so do you.
I use reason 2 for the spine track, Fruityloops 3 for backing drums that I can alter live, and then keyboard-controlled/MIDI-linked soundforge over top that.