Having problems installing Leopard with boot camp


I bought a powermac g5 (2.5Ghz, 8Gm ram) second hand, and wanted to clean it up before I started to install all my programs and migrate all my data onto it. Basically I wanted to erase the hard drive completely and reinstall Leopard OS. Before that I characterized the system and know for a fact that boot camp was on there. So, I went on to reinstall OS Leopard 10.5. Before continuing on with the installation I went to disk utility and erased the hard drive completely and created one partition so that I could install the OS onto it. Then I installed the Leopard onto it. To my dismay boot camp was not included in the Leopard installation. I probably repeated this process half a dozen times and am perplexed as to why boot camp is not included. If anybody has any advice it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
I am not sure why it was there, but sad to say Bootcamp will not run on that machine, It will only run on Mac's using an intel chip. That's probably why it wasn't installing. If you saw bootcamp on their before it was probably just the bootcamp assistant sadlty.

Sorry it's not better news!