Having trouble installing Norton Personal Firewall 2


When I open it, I get an error saying the extension was not found or there is another firewall running. I'm thinking norton is talking about the built-in firewall of X. Sometimes I get this message, and sometimes it opens, and quits in less than a second after. What should I do?
Have you turned off the built-in firewall? It's in System Preferences > Sharing. Once you turn it off, you may have to reboot your machine.
Okay, do you have crash logs? Open the Console in /Applications/Utilities, and select Enable Crash Reporting in its preferences. Then every time the firewall crashes, a crash log will be written to ~/Library/Logs. That should give an indication of what's going wrong.
Nevermind, I'd hold off on brickhouse. After checking the control panel for the first time since configuring it I can't change anything through the pref pane.
Well here's what I did: since I was still convinced it had to do with the built-in firewall, I opened the extensions folder, picked up the ipfirewall.kext and threw it on my desktop. Then I restarted. And whadd-a-ya-know, it worked, but when I tried to but it back, it said a newer file named ipfirewall.kext is already there, anybody wanna fill me in about what just happened?