Hawking Wireless USB Adapter HWU54G


AboCom USB2.0 WLAN

Version 43.30
Bus Power (mA): 500
Speed: Up to 12 Mb/sc
Manufacturer: AboCom
Product ID: 0x6001
Vendor ID: 0x07b8

^does not function^

wug2670 USB2.0 WLAN
Version: 43.30
Bus Power (mA): 500
Speed Up to 12 Mb/sc
Manufacturer: wug2670
Product ID: 0x6001
Vendor ID: 0x07b8

^does function with driver from http://www.zydas.com.tw/downloads/download-1211.asp^

This new unit I've purchased, is outwardly identical to the one I'm currently using. Can anyone tell me if there's an AboCom driver that'll work with my Mac? I'm not able to keep the Zydas chipset model because it's a friend of mines. We bought this new one for me, and it's got an Abocom chipset, despite being outwardly identical.

(oh, and a side question, how do I get my system info on the bottom of each of my posts?)