HD blues...


Fearless Thinker
I'm experiencing random crashes on my 10.2.6 system.
After a bit of testing (I have 2 disks with several partitions each and several OS versions...), I came to the conclusion that I have a faulty drive.

I tried to reformat it and do a clean install of Jaguar, and it worked.. but only for a while. Then I repaired the disk with Disk Warrior.. it works for a while and then freezes again.

I believe I will have to get a new HD. But maybe someone can come up with a cheaper solution? Can drives get corrupted with no apparent reason?
Now I understand the fuss about backing up stuff...
Well.. I've been running OSX for the last couple of years with no problems... that's why I think the drive got corrupted.
Maybe as a consequence of the insanely hight temperatures we're having here...
You probably did not get the Hardware test cd with the machine, so I suggest you run Disk Utility first from the OS CD. Boot with the CD and rather than clicking to re-install, go to the installer menu and select Disk Utility. See what comes up there.
By the way, Jaguar needs the firmware update on the B & W. Stranger things have happened without the firmware updated.

High heat can do funny things too. Do you at least have a fan running in the room to circulate the air?

Do you remember what you were doing when the machine started acting up? Installed anything? I have a B & W with no trouble what so ever, but then I use Drive 10 for maintenance.
Well... the fan is a good idea, I thought about it AFTER the crash :rolleyes:

I tried everything from Disk Utility, to Norton (booting from OS9), to Disk Warrior.

They all get stuck. Only DW manages to fix my problems.. but after a few hours of usage they arise again. Very strange...
Do you remember what files DW fixed? That could be where the problem is originating.
What are you doing when the freeze occurs? What program are you using? What are the sizes of the partitions? Do you have OS X on the first partition and is it at least 8 Gb?
Back up all your documents and downloads that you want to save. Make sure you get the firmware update.
Using the OS 9 CD, run Drive set up and to a new formatting. Make sure at least the first partition is at least 8 Gb and make sure you use HFS Extended and you update the drivers. The formatting should do this automatically, but go to the menu and select it just to make sure the drivers do indeed update. When done, run Disk First aide just to make sure the drive is okay. Now install OS 9 on one of the partitions. Restart and then install the firmware update. Restart and give it a test run. Install some of your programs and applications. If you experience the same problem at the same hours of usage, then the drive does indeed need to be replaced.
Ok, I'm in deep trouble. The drive seemes to work ok today.
I shut down the system and when, after a few hours, I turned it back on the drive wouldn't mount.
Now it's not even recognized. Doesn't show up in any prog (DW, DiskUtility). Dead.

Is there something I can do, apart from starting tearing my hair off?
This machine and my iMac both have a Quantum Fireball, so I'm safe. :Phew:

You plan to replace this drive, I assume? I recommend Western Digital, Quantum, Seagate, IBM, or Maxtor. Also, use Carbon Copy Cloner to transfer your old system to the new drive. And hurry! ¡Ándale! Time's a-wasting! :)