HD spindown.


I reinstalled OSX 10.3 two days ago from scratch. After that Iäve had some trouble with my external firewire disk spinning down when i leasve the comp. for a while, or set it to sleep. It freezes the Finder and brings the lollipop for a while. then I have to shut off and turn on th HD to make it start up again. Guess this is not good for the HD in the long run.
I didnt have this problem before i re-installed OSX.. what could be wrong? :(

Im in a Powerbook G4 667 DVI..
Go to System Preferences and click on Energy Saver. Uncheck Put the hardisc(s) to sleep when possible. Still surprised why the finder freezes.. Good luck
you also might try going to versiontracker and getting "Spindown fix" which will run a script to keep externals from spinning down.