headless imac


Hi, I currently have a monitor with my imac, but it will not after a few days. But I want to keep my imac on the network, It only has 256k memory so it's not efficient for a workstation, but I want to start the sshdaemon so I can control it remotly, including the ability to update security patches and whatnot.

What do I need to look into?
i would download and run a vnc, and have it in your startup/login items, making sure you have it automatically login. i have osxvnc 1.6.1 on mine so that i can login in to it from win xp. but because it is a vnc server, any client from any os will connect to it.
How/why exactly are you removing the monitor from an iMac?

and 256k ram? I hope you mean 256mb.

Theoretically, all you need is a program like Apple Remote Desktop, or one of the Open-Source alternative that I can't bring to mind right now, but am sure the other guys on this board are familiar with.
yes, I meant 256mb

I would like an open-source alternative, namely sshd. How do I start this service on Mac OS X?
(I guess he just _doesn't_ mean an iMac, since you can't really remove the display there. So think Mac mini or PowerMac or Cube or something...)

I'd go with VNC. Look on versiontracker.com and macupdate.com for VNC. You'll need a VNC server running on that "headless iMac" and a VNC client on your client machine.