HELP: 10.2.5 unable to read audio cds!!!!!


I have updated Jaguar to 10.2.5 yesterday. Now it is not able rea Audio CDs anymore. When I insert Audio CDs (no matter if it's the internal drive or an external one) I get a message saying that the inserted volume is not recognized by Mac OS X. I have tried to solve this by repairing the permissions ? without success. What can I do?
This is very very painful (I am in the audio business...)
Thanks for any help.
Now, THAT's helpful, chevy. ;)

No problems here, either... However: If you need it back working fast, make a user backup (backup your whole user folder) and install the system anew. Then upgrade to 10.2.5 before copying the user folder over the one from the new system. Make sure you're using the same short- and long- user name to avoid problems. I know it sounds terrible, but just might be the fastest way.
I have the problem, too...but only with certain cds. I had this problem in earlier versions, too. I haven't found a fix yet.

Someone lent me a music CD with forward slashes in the titles. That knackered things here, could be it's the same on pknoth's machine too...

Clients send me Windows files with / in the names, sometimes they open OK, sometimes not. I copy them over in hope and remove the /.
Originally posted by Lazzo
Someone lent me a music CD with forward slashes in the titles. That knackered things here, could be it's the same on pknoth's machine too...

Clients send me Windows files with / in the names, sometimes they open OK, sometimes not. I copy them over in hope and remove the /.

No, that is not the case on my machine. I think you're talking about data cds whereas I mean normal audio CDs which usually appear as untitled Adio CD (unless you looked up the title at ccdb or given it a title yourself). But thanks everyone for youre peplies so far, even though the problem is still not fixed.