Help a Mac user kill his PC software class!


Good morning all. I have some software (java and objc) that I need in VB. Yes it is gay but I can't help being forced to use VB. Now, the problem is, I don't really understand java or objc right now and I'm appealing to your generosity to help me in translating the code. =)

It is an algorithm which is part of a little software package I have to make for school. The algorithm essentially permutates through a 7 by "X" list (think columns x rows), where each of the "X" items must be used in every permutation but the columns do no have to be used all.

So, getting down to business, the java version , the objc/cocoa version, and there's some VB code I cooked up but it doens't do anything. I'll post it if anyone really needs it.

Thanx heaps in advance to anyone who can manage@!