Help - Canon digital camera software



I plug in my Canon S70 to my iBook G4 with OSX Panther.
iPhoto automatically launches and i can import the pics. Problem is that iPhoto doesnt let me to choose wich pictures i want, it just downloads them all !!!! :(

I installed the Canon Software and i works OK and i can choose the pics i want in the preview window (this means the camera and the iBook are comunicating). Problem arrives when i click TRANSFER and i get "error transfering images".

I get this error everytime being it 1 or 100 images. Changed the target folder and the parameters.....same.

Can anyone help here ?

Thank you !
Filipe Sa
When you plug in your camera, don't let iPhoto download any pics. Just click on the little icon for your camera that shows up on your computer's desktop. There should be a folder with images (with IMG000XX file names, probably) and you can then copy whichever photos you want from there by just clicking and dragging.

Don't delete anything from the camera this way (wouldn't want you to delete something important). Just download the photos you want and erase them directly from the camera after you disconnect it correctly.

It's a crude workaround, but gives you more control. You just have to remember which numbered photos (as they are numbered on your camera) you want.

Let us know what happens. :)
You could use Image Capture (comes with Mac OS X) to transfer images from your camera to your Mac. It's in your Applications folder. As a matter of fact, that's what starts up iPhoto when you connect your camera. Image Capture will let you import either all your images, or only some of them. Additionally, it will let you imbed a color profile if you want, and optionally delete the files from the card once they are downloaded. Once the images are on your Mac, you can then import them into iPhoto; just select the images and drag them to the iPhoto icon in the Dock. What I do is to use Image Capture to download the images to a second hard drive I've got in my G5. These are my untouched originals. I then import these images into iPhoto and edit those. Now, iPhoto makes a copy of any image you edit, (puts it in a folder called, you guessed it ... Originals) so technically what I'm doing is overkill. That's OK, I'd rather be safe than sorry! Hope this helps.

You may have to turn iPhoto off as your default camera image program so that it won't try to download your photos automatically.