cyprus mac man

Hey everyone,

Today, when I was turning on my iPod, I get the "No Folder" symbol. Then, later I got the "unhappy iPod" symbol. I looked it up on the Apple site, and I decided to restore it. So I opened iPod Updater 2006-01-10 and plugged my iPod in, then when it showed up, I clicked restore. I got the following message.


The data partition could not be found and could not be formatted. Disconnect iPod, reconnect and then try restoring again.

Another wierd thing is that my iPod, less than 12 hours ago, was set to Italian, now its in English. Also, the iPod goes randomly between the folder and the unhappy iPod symbol. Also, when the iPod is plugged into my computer, I get the following message:

Disk Insertion

The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer.

And 3 buttons: "Initialize" (which goes to disk utility), "Ignore", and "Eject".

I don't know what to do! I did what Apple said, and it didn't work. Now what?

It's a 4G 20GB iPod.

It sounds like your hard drive could be toast. You can buy a replacement hard drive for about $150.
couldnt i just restore it?

so here is how it happened

I had my iPod charging, and it was all fine. Then, i plugged it into my laptop to update it. It took a minute and i got the second error that i had reported before. after that it hasnt work...
so, i ran all the Hard Drive diagnostics, and some other tests, and everything passed ok. right now, useing the "restart" feacher of the diagnostic, I was able to get it working. However, I have located one problem. In the About section of the iPod, the following is displayed:

Songs 0
Capacity 0
Avaiable 0
Version 3.1.1
S/N (correctly shown)
Model (correct shown)
Format Unknown

The thing is, that the diagnostic says that everything is OK and it also shows the capacity (19 GB). the iPod also seems to break when it is plugged into my computer. should i try with a USB instead of Firewire? Or is there something else I could try?
I am able to connect it via Firewire, and restore it, but when iTunes opens to put music on it, it will show the "Do Not Disconnect" and it will eventually show then no folder icon...

Maybe via USB will help. Also, what about downloading the latest version of iPod Updater. I mean, I have 2006-01-10. But the new ones have the same software for my iPod, i think...
hey, so everythings fine now, I got my iPod fixed. I just re-re-re-restored it and now it works. I have no idea why it stopped working. Also, sometimes the computer says I gotta quit applications to eject the iPod, even though I am not using any other applications...