[help]Is there a DNS sofeware has "Load Balance" feature?


Our company is going to Xserv.

On os9, we're using QuickDNS 3 which has the "Load Balance" feature. But it seems that the QuickDNS for OSX version doesn't have the funtion(maybe becuase it bases on "bind"?)

Anybody know a dns software which has the "Load Balance" feature for OSX?

Really grateful for your reply
Simpy associate multiple IP addresses with the same name. This will cause bind to pick the addresses in a "round-robin" manner.
But "round-robin" can only implement "Load Sharing", instead of "Load Balancing".

In "round-robin" manner, if one server is down, bind will still send request to the server, that is not good.

Is there a better solution?

Thanks you, rhg ,anyway :)
So how did QuickDNS 3 solve this issue?

There is a tool named nsupdate which comes with bind, you can use this to dynamically your ns config. I can imagine a shell script which periodically watches certain network resources, removing them from the ns config as soon as they become unavailable. But this isn't real load balancing still.